This blog covers everything you need to know about nesting season and cutting vegetation during this time. Although it can delay and put a stop to works, it doesn't always and there are ways to work around it safely. Let Browns Tree Solutions help and advise you this time of year.
Nesting season typically begins around March and runs through to the Summer; ending around August time but, timings can be weather dependent so, this may vary by a few weeks. During this time birds will be finding shelter in your trees and hedges to breed and raise their young so be sure to keep an eye out before booking any garden works in.
All birds and their nests are protected by 'The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981', this is the primary legislation which protects animals, plants and habitats in the UK. If you undertake works which intentionally damage, disturb or destroys a nest then you could be liable to a hefty fine and or further legal action.
At Browns Tree Solutions we always thoroughly inspect vegetation during our quotes and also prior to starting any works to ensure the tree or hedge is free from nesting birds, if none are present then works are fine to go ahead. So nesting season doesn't always put a stop to works, you just need to make sure you employ a professional who will do the right checks beforehand.
If there are nesting birds present then it is best to postpone works by a few weeks at least. You can monitor the area and if you see the birds have fled then you can try to rearrange your works however birds are of course unpredictable and you may have another nest in that time. Sometimes it is best to leave works until after nesting season, around August time, to prevent any wasted visits for your contractor.
Contact us today if you're looking for advice on tree and hedge related work in your garden or at your business premises.